Reviewer: Daniel Lynds
16 posts
Building a Writing Class from the Ground Up
I’ve stopped worrying about managing the classroom the way I used to. I’ve stopped telling students what to write about. I’ve realized that the more ideas there are in the writing classroom the better.
Ray, Jeremy, and other reverberations:
Not all of my stories are as utilitarian to my teaching as the stories I’ve shared above. But all of my stories—all of our stories—have the potential to be enduring. Stories are sustenance: they are in the air we breathe, in the water we drink, in the communities we live, work, and love.
With Care and Context
pedagogy of care
Precautions... do not eliminate the inherent risks of showing potentially harmful images. But they do serve an essential purpose: by leading with care and context, instructors can help minimize the images’ potential harm.
A Pedagogy of Mentorship: Removing Academic Shame by Helping Students Reach Their Goals, Not Ours
pedagogy of mentorship
Far from becoming a copy of their mentor, the protégé is instead empowered and equipped o reach their own professional aspirations.
11 min read
Teaching and the Art of Letting Go
In times of uncertainty and fear, what I find most helpful is love and care as I struggle. Why would learning, since it’s its own process of working through uncertainty, be any different?
Our Bodies Encoded: Algorithmic Test Proctoring in Higher Education
Cheating is not a technological problem, but a social and pedagogical problem. Technology is often blamed for creating the conditions in which cheating proliferates and is then offered as the solution to the problem it created; both claims are false.
15 min read
Travelling in Troy With an Instructional Designer
Critical Pedagogy
Instructional designers can build courses in which technologies are Trojan Horses for emancipation through constructionist problem-based learning.
A Pedagogy of Kindness
critical digital pedagogy
Kindness is something most of us aspire toward as people, but not something we necessarily think of as central to teaching.
A Classroom Romance
Loving my students has been the greatest pedagogical breakthrough I’ve had. Instructors must remain vulnerable to what is loveable about students.
Risk and Event-Based Pedagogies
Writing is neither a process nor a product; it is an event that transforms those who engage in it. Teachers must acknowledge not just the rewards but also the risks inherent in the
8 min read
Meeting the Dimensions of Education
When we talk about education, one fundamental thing from which we should start are the aspects in which education takes place. What does a person need in his life? What makes him educated,
Pedagogical Training via Relationship Building: The Value of Peer Mentoring
Academic Labor
Graduate students enter graduate programs hungry to learn about research, teaching, and professionalization. They seek knowledge of their discipline, socialization from faculty and peers, and most importantly the tools to perform the jobs
8 min read
Beyond Academic Twitter: Social Media and the Evolution of Scholarly Publication
Academic Labor
“What should academics do on Twitter?” At a recent roundtable workshop on developing a professional academic digital identity, I heard the first four speakers address that question which I have heard so many
Whither the Digital Humanities?
Digital Humanities
The Digital Humanities (DH) can be viewed in two ways: as emerging and as emergent. * Emerging: Over the last two decades, as it grew from humanities computing into digital humanities [http://www.neh.
11 min read