14 posts
Risk and Event-Based Pedagogies
Writing is neither a process nor a product; it is an event that transforms those who engage in it. Teachers must acknowledge not just the rewards but also the risks inherent in the
8 min read
Twessays and Composition in the Digital Age
While written assignments are typically growing in length in line with the ever-expanding volume of resources available to student writers, platforms like Twitter demand more succinct approaches to writing and offer a range
Messy Minds: The Autoethnography of Learning
I’ve had my arse handed to me a few times online. Enough times to realise that writing provocatively (whether intentional or not) is often worth the activity. The most memorable and behaviour
Risk Taking is a Form of Playing it Safe
We [] like to talk [] about risk [
10 min read
Plagiarism is Dead; Long Live the Retweet: Unpacking an Identity Crisis in Digital Content
“What oft was thought but ne’er so well express’d” Alexander Pope’s eighteenth century advice to writers — now known as content producers — has a new relevance for the Internet Age, although
Turned On: On the Impossibility of Queer (and) Composition
And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music. ~ Friedrich Nietzsche When, exactly, do we want less eroticism? ~ Geoffrey Sirc [https://muse.jhu.
17 min read
Learning to Let Go: Listening to Students in Discussion
Listen to this chapter here, or subscribe to the entire serialized audiobook.A class discussion where the teacher pre-determines the outcome is just a lecture in disguise, dressed up to feel student-centered while
Syllabus as Manifesto: A Critical Approach to Classroom Culture
This article is the first in a two-part series. “Envisioning the Radical Syllabus: A Critical Approach to Classroom Culture, Part 2 []” provides response and follow-up from the author. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Learning Beyond Limits: Open Source Collaboration in the Classroom
The Challenge:Incorporate an open source community service project into every class. What happens to a student paper or project after the individual turns it in or presents it in class? Where does
Will MOOCs Work for Writing?
When faced with a complex, fluid, and potentially uncontrollable situation, I’ve often heard people say, “It’s like herding cats.” I can think of no more complex, variable, and fluid task than
Vlogging Composition: Making Content Dynamic
With technological innovations come opportunities for students to compose, communicate, share, collaborate, and express themselves in contemporary ways as well as opportunities for teachers to harness potential academic possibilities. Vlogging, or video blogging,
Learn Like an Arachnid: Why I’m MOOCifying
Every fall when I ask my first year students, “Why did you choose theCollege of Environmental Science and Forestry []?” at least one will answer, “I want to save the
Bring Your Own Disruption: Rhizomatic Learning in the Composition Class
Too often, rather than inviting First-Year Composition (FYC) students into the disruptive experience of being a writer, we try to shield them inside the safety of the walled garden of neatly ordered paths
11 min read
Seeing Composition Three Dimensionally
“We no longer have to separate our material technologies so radically as we once did from our ‘cognitive strategies’. People-with-bodies participate in activities and practices, such as jointly authoring a multimedia Web document,