Language is a source of power that makes things happen in the world, and that is
an important and challenging lesson to teach in college writing courses. Once
students recognize the profound implications
Wikipedia’s gender gap, which results in problems of representation attributed
to the lack of women and non-male editors participating in the encylopedia’s
production, is by now well-known and well-documented.
Graduate students enter graduate programs hungry to learn about research,
teaching, and professionalization. They seek knowledge of their discipline,
socialization from faculty and peers, and most importantly the tools to perform
the jobs
Running into each other on the Columbia University campus, we often chatted
about books, teaching and learning, music, plants, Broadway shows, and our
theories about how new ideas happened. We shared what inspired
It began with a blank Google Doc. No ideas, no suggestions, and no direction.
Just a notion that somehow three small high school classes could use a digital
space to create something together
“What oft was thought but ne’er so well express’d”
Alexander Pope’s eighteenth century advice to writers — now known as content
producers — has a new relevance for the Internet Age, although
The “crisis in the humanities,” whether unprecedented and dire or perpetual and
overblown, plays out as a controversy over how long people like me will have a
job, and whether we’ll be
As educators, we want to teach in ways that support our students to be the best
that they can be. We yearn for the lightbulb moment. We are so proud of them
Let’s stop talking about “students” as some undifferentiated mass or referring
to “my students,” a phrase that smacks of proprietorship, and start giving them
credit by name for the work they do
I am deeply disturbed by dominant discourses in society that silence the voices
of others, particularly women and ethnic minorities. I am frustrated by people
who put others down, particularly online. And I
Over the weekend of November 21-23, the Hybrid Pedagogy editorial board gathered
in Washington D.C. for an intensive working retreat. During that time, we
collaborated on the following article — 10 authors and
When we think about K-12 and higher education, educators think of them as two
separate entities. Within K-12, we divide it further; primary, junior,
intermediate, and senior. These artificial silos create barriers to