Adventures in Unveiling: Critical Pedagogy and Imagination
There never were going to be any dinosaur bones. Not on that cloudy day, nor on any other. But we went out anyway. With sandwiches and chips, an apple or two. Out to
Write Out Loud: Risk & Reward in Digital Publishing
Language is a source of power that makes things happen in the world, and that is an important and challenging lesson to teach in college writing courses. Once students recognize the profound implications
Critical Digital Praxis in Wikipedia: The Art+Feminism Edit-a-thon
Wikipedia’s gender gap, which results in problems of representation attributed to the lack of women and non-male editors participating in the encylopedia’s production, is by now well-known and well-documented. [https://en.
11 min read
Making the Invisible Visible
Simplifying people to stereotypes rarely has a noble purpose. In narrowing and propagating unnuanced definitions for human experiences or identities, the already marginalized can be dehumanized, the othered can be villified, and diversity
12 min read
The Ultimate Life Experience: Preparing Students for the World Beyond the Classroom
Higher Ed
There needs to be a general reshaping of how college is viewed and how colleges act. There is an epidemic going on right now. Students invest a massive amount of funds and massive
Paradigms in Academe: On the Digital, Motherhood, and Location-Nonspecific Work
My day began at 2am. One of our kids stumbled into our room because he couldn’t sleep. We’ve learned the hard way that inviting him into our bed when this happens
Risk and Event-Based Pedagogies
Writing is neither a process nor a product; it is an event that transforms those who engage in it. Teachers must acknowledge not just the rewards but also the risks inherent in the
8 min read
Learning at the Intersections
Service Learning
Students were writing about & for asylum seekers in a tumultuous political climate. A service learning initiative quickly became a matter of life or death.
The Safety Paradox
Two news stories at the beginning of the 2016 fall semester reignited an ongoing debate about the importance of safety in higher education. The first was a letter [
A Guide for Resisting Edtech: the Case against Turnitin
Critical Pedagogy
Some platforms are not agnostic. Not all tools can be hacked to good use. Critical Digital Pedagogy demands we approach our tools and technologies always with one eyebrow raised.
Meeting the Dimensions of Education
When we talk about education, one fundamental thing from which we should start are the aspects in which education takes place. What does a person need in his life? What makes him educated,
Indie, Open, Free: The Fraught Ideologies of Ed-Tech
Digital culture
I grew up in a middle-class American household, and I studied classical music. I took private lessons from seventh grade on. I owned my own instrument from eighth grade on. I upgraded to
10 min read
Seeking Patterns and Making Meaning: Digital Life in the Tangerine Era
Digital Literacy
Listen to this chapter here, or subscribe to the entire serialized audiobook [].How do we as citizens, educators, parents, neighbors and consumers deal with the flood of political messaging
The Pretense of Neutrality: Twitter, Digital Literacy, and First-Year Writing
Politicizing Pedagogy CFP
“You can’t be neutral on a moving train” — Howard Zinn As universities go, the ethos of my home institution is relatively conservative. Conservative parents believe their children will maintain conservative values by
10 min read