4 posts
Making the Invisible Visible
Simplifying people to stereotypes rarely has a noble purpose. In narrowing and propagating unnuanced definitions for human experiences or identities, the already marginalized can be dehumanized, the othered can be villified, and diversity
12 min read
Intersectionality in the Classroom: My Experience Teaching at the Crossroads of Ethnicity and Gender
Academic Labor
I may have created a racist. I am an adjunct instructor at a large, public university in a rural area of the country. Given the media attention surrounding the death of Margaret Mary
Contingent Mother: The Role Gender Plays in the Lives of Adjunct Faculty
Academic Labor
I am a mother. I am also a PhD in philosophy. And, finally, I am a contingent college professor at two universities. I am an example of how being a mother in that
The Pleasures, the Perils, and the Pursuit of Pedagogical Intimacy
Alterity CFP
Intimacy lacks a satisfying definition. It is, according to the New American Oxford Dictionary, “a close familiarity of friendship; a private atmosphere; or an intimate act (especially sex).” To be intimate with someone