“Literature can be our teacher as well as our object of investigation”
—Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak
To say that being the only African American woman professor at a small, liberal
arts college in the
As teachers who consider the whole world a virtual classroom and community, many
of us sometimes mistakenly assume that if we create space for representing the
“voice” of the marginalized, all will be
A bull that went blind during the monsoon forgets that the world is not always
green. — Nepalese proverb
Thanks largely to the advent of MOOCs, more scholars around the world are
engaged in
I was in my car, pulling into the driveway after picking up some takeout. The
radio was tuned to NPR, but I wasn’t paying that close of attention. I was
exhausted after
“To the naked eye, I may seem normal just like another student or individual;
however, behind the mask, I am constantly reminded that I am different from
everybody else. I am not sure
I am stuck with the following story — not only with it, but by it. My decision
to articulate it is always marked by haltings and hesitations, whether I’m
inscribing it here or
As a high-school teacher, I kept quiet about my sexuality because I didn’t want
to draw attention to it. Instead, I created a deafening silence, a vacuum that
tugged on everything around
Intimacy lacks a satisfying definition. It is, according to the New American
Oxford Dictionary, “a close familiarity of friendship; a private atmosphere; or
an intimate act (especially sex).” To be intimate with someone