Robin Wharton
Robin Wharton is a board member of Hybrid Pedagogy Inc. She has done interdisciplinary work in digital humanities and pedagogy, critical theory, and medieval studies.
Dance : Work : Learn : Teach : Write
Digital Writing
Prelude In a former life I was a dancer. A former life, or a previous era: BGS (Before Grad School). This is how I used to think of the countless hours I spent
Keeping Time
What do we mean when we use the phrase, “in the real world”? As many of us are in a state of transition between school and work, styles of work, or a balance
Love in the Time of Peer Review
Over the weekend of November 21-23, the Hybrid Pedagogy editorial board gathered in Washington D.C. for an intensive working retreat. During that time, we collaborated on the following article — 10 authors and
Humanists and Our Books, Pt. 2: Becoming Books
Digital culture
On Tuesday, June 3, Hybrid Pedagogy released an announcement and CFP [] related to the first long-form project to be undertaken by Hybrid Pedagogy Publishing. Two weeks later,
Humanists and Our Books, Pt. 1: The Work of Humanism
Digital culture
On Tuesday, June 3, Hybrid Pedagogy released an announcement and CFP [] related to the first long-form project to be undertaken by Hybrid Pedagogy Publishing. In the coming
Bend Until It Breaks: Digital Humanities and Resistance
“The problem is to begin with a conception of power relations that grants that resistance is always possible but not always successful.”~ David Sholle, “Resistance: Pinning Down a Wandering Concept in Cultural Studies
11 min read
CFP: The Problem of Contingency in Higher Education
Academic Labor
Read the collection of articles published from this CFP. [] The case ofMargaret Mary Vojtko [] made much more public a
CFP: A Dialogue among K-12 and Post-secondary Pedagogies and Pedagogues
Calls for Papers
Don’t throw the past away. You might need it some rainy day. Dreams can come true again, When everything old is new again. —Peter Allen, “Everything Old Is New Again” Click here
Building in the Humanities Isn’t New
Digital Humanities
“For children can accomplish the renewal of existence in a hundred unfailing ways.” — Walter Benjamin, “Unpacking My Library [
Of Icebergs and Ownership: A Common-Sense Approach to Intellectual Property
Recently, my colleague and Hybrid Pedagogy co-conspirator, Pete Rorabaugh, and I spoke at theEmory Symposium on Digital Publication, Undergraduate Research, and Writing []. Over the course of two days of
Bright Lines and Golden Rules: Copyright, Fair Use, Critical Pedagogy
Have you ever overheard this conversation, or something similar, in the departmental copy room? One teacher says, “How many pages of a book can I copy and still call it fair use? Another
Digital Humanities Made Me a Better Pedagogue: a Crowdsourced Article
Digital Humanities
Pedagogy is inherently collaborative. Our work as teachers doesn’t (or shouldn’t) happen in a vacuum. In “Hybridity, pt. 3: What Does Hybrid Pedagogy Do? [

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