Hybrid Pedagogy Books
Just as the articles published by Hybrid Pedagogy have always been focused on creating dialogue and telling stories, our long-form publishing projects share that ethos, bringing together oft-marginalized voices pushing at the edges of teaching, learning, and scholarship. 23 posts
An Urgency of Teachers
Hybrid Pedagogy Books
Education is, says Freire, an “inescapable concern.” No one can be left out of the work of critical digital pedagogy, both the effort of it and its ends.
Can You Murder a Novel? Part 4: Realism and Closure in the Mystery Novel
After including the Generative Literature Project in my Experimental Writing course during the Fall 2014 semester, three senior undergraduates remained mesmerized by the perceived novelty of a generative, digital novel. For the following
#GenLit as #Netprov
Generative Fiction
Hybrid Pedagogy Publishing is our experiment in longer-form work related to critical digital pedagogy. For the past year and a half, Hybrid Pedagogy Publishing has been providing editorial and technical support to the
8 min read
Can You Murder a Novel, Part 3
After including the GenLit Project [http://www.genlitproject.org/] in my Experimental Writing course during the Fall 2014 semester, three senior undergraduates remained mesmerized by the perceived novelty of a generative, digital novel.
Can You Murder a Novel? Part 2
After including the GenLit Project [http://www.genlitproject.org/] in my Experimental Writing course during the Fall 2014 semester, three senior undergraduates remained mesmerized by the perceived novelty of a generative, digital novel.
The Open, Interactive Music Theory Textbook: Campaign Update
Hybrid Pedagogy Books
This Summer, Hybrid Pedagogy launched a new long-form publishing venture, spearheaded by Robin Wharton [http://www.robinwharton.com/]and Kris Shaffer [http://kris.shaffermusic.com]: Hybrid Pedagogy Publishing [http://www.hybridpedagogy.org/#publishing]
Humanists and Our Books, Pt. 2: Becoming Books
Digital culture
On Tuesday, June 3, Hybrid Pedagogy released an announcement and CFP [http://www.hybridpedagogy.com/page-two/cfp-generative-literature-project/] related to the first long-form project to be undertaken by Hybrid Pedagogy Publishing. Two weeks later,
The Open, Interactive Music Theory Textbook
This Summer, Hybrid Pedagogy launched a new long-form publishing venture, spearheaded by Robin Wharton [http://www.robinwharton.com/]and Kris Shaffer [http://kris.shaffermusic.com]: Hybrid Pedagogy Publishing [http://www.hybridpedagogy.org/#publishing]
Humanists and Our Books, Pt. 1: The Work of Humanism
Digital culture
On Tuesday, June 3, Hybrid Pedagogy released an announcement and CFP [http://www.hybridpedagogy.com/page-two/cfp-generative-literature-project/] related to the first long-form project to be undertaken by Hybrid Pedagogy Publishing. In the coming