Rolin Moe
Rolin Moe is an Assistant Professor and the Director of Educational Technology & Media at Seattle Pacific University. Rolin's work in education covers research, instruction, administration and theory.
Rationalizing Sisyphus
The words of one of the bleakest authors on the human condition adorn coffee mugs [] and motivational posters [
4 min read
Love in the Time of Peer Review
Over the weekend of November 21-23, the Hybrid Pedagogy editorial board gathered in Washington D.C. for an intensive working retreat. During that time, we collaborated on the following article — 10 authors and
The MOOC Problem
Critical Pedagogy
The purpose of education is in large part linked to its standing as a social science. Philosophers dating back to Socrates have linked education to a purpose beyond the individual, one where accrual
7 min read

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