3 posts
A MOOC is not a Thing: Emergence, Disruption, and Higher Education
A MOOC is not a thing. A MOOC is a strategy. What we say about MOOCs cannot possibly contain their drama, banality, incessance, and proliferation. The MOOC is a variant beast — placental, emergent,
The March of the MOOCs: Monstrous Open Online Courses
MOOCs are a red herring. The MOOC didn’t appear last week, out of a void, vacuum-packed. The MOOC hasbeen around for years [], biding its time. Still, the recent furor
Hacking the Screwdriver: Instructure’s Canvas and the Future of the LMS
There’s nothing wrong with Blackboard, except in the way that there’s something wrong with all of it. AtInstructureCon 2012 [], we noticed a lot of hate being